Certification of fisheries and chain
of custody in marine industry
Marine Stewardship Council is global independent organisation, which is developing standards of sustainable and well-managed fishery.

What is the impact of certification to the business?

With the MSC certificate, you verify that your products have passed the strict control of independent certification bodies and are recognized as sustainable, environmentally friendly, and can be traced to your consumers. Obtaining an MSC certificate discovers new opportunities for you, such as:
  • Improving reputation among consumers
  • New safe markets
  • The ability to have a positive impact on the ecological situation in the world
  • New promotional opportunities
  • Contributing to the development of your fishery
Certification Standards

for fisheries
for distributors, factories, stores and restaurants
Documents for MSC & ASC certification
Principles for Fisheries
Fishery is assessed against three core principles represented by 28 performance indicators
  • Sustainable target fish stocks
    A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does does not lead to over-fishing or depletion of the exploited populations and, for those populations that are depleted, the fishery must be conducted in a manner that demonstrably leads to their recovery.
  • Environmental impact of fishing
    Fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the structure, productivity, function and diversity of the ecosystem (including habitat and associated dependent and ecologically related species) on which the fishery depends.
  • Effective management
    The fishery is subject to an effective management system that respects local, national and international laws and standards and incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require use of the resourse to be responsible and sustainable.

Certified companies

Types of chain of custody certificate

Default Chain of Custody
For companies operating in one or a few locations:

  • A fishmonger serving final consumers and caterers with the majority of sales by volume and value going to the catering trade
  • A seafood company with a trading office, processing facility and storage unit

How to obtain MSC certificate step by step

Having made the decision on certification, the Client fills in the application for certification and send it to UCSL United Certification Systems Limited. The application contains main parameters of the business (the scope of certification), which will determine the duration and cost of the audit. Based on applied information, UCSL determines the prospects of the successful evaluation process.
After application review, UCSL provides the Client with a commercial offer with the cost and a procedure of certification. Once the offer is accepted and terms and conditions agreed, the Client and UCSL conclude a contract for certification.
The contract is not bounded by the certification period.
Pre-assessment audit
Fishery pre-assessment is not mandatory but can be carried out upon an initiative of both the Client and UCSL. Pre-assessment allows UCSL to obtain general overview of the Client's management structure, while the Client may get familiar with the MSC and Contractor's requirements.
If the pre-assessment is conducted, it is stipulated by the additional agreement to the certification contract.

The main aim of the pre-assessment is to define areas that may require additional work or close attention of the Client before the full assessment; the scope of evaluation is also clarified.

A report will be provided to the Client upon the audit findings including conclusions about the Client's fishery conformity with effective MSC requirements.
Document review
Prior to proceeding to the full assessment, the Client fills and submits the Client Document Checklist to the Contractor as well as other documents that can help the Contractor assess the fishery. Upon receipt of the above mentioned Checklist UCSL prepares the Announcement Comment Draft Report (ACDR), including preliminary scoring.
Full Assessment
If the Client agrees with the ACDR results and would like to proceed with certification, UCSL announces the full assessment by publishing the Announcement Comment Draft Report for 30 (for re-certification) or 60 days (for new fisheries) for public comments.

After expiry of the comment period United Certification Systems Limited conducts the site visit, encouraging stakeholders to participate and provide comments.

After the site visit UCSL reviews information collected and improves the report, also setting the conditions, where required, and asking the Client to prepare an Action plan within up to 60 days. The CoC starting point (at which fish and fish products from the fishery may enter further chains of custody) is determined at this stage as well.
Peer and stakeholder review
As soon as the Client prepares the Action plan which is accepted by UCSL, the report is forwarded for consideration and comments first to the MSC Peer Review College (for 30 days) and after that to stakeholders (for another 30 days). UCSL considers all the comments received within the allowed timeframes and improves the report where necessary, preparing the final report and certification determination to be published on the MSC website. Any stakeholders having participated in the full assessment may lodge an objection to the final report within 15 working days, following the MSC Disputes Process.
Certificate granting
If the final determination made by UCSL is to certify the fishery, the MSC fishery certificate is issued.
MSC fishery certificates are valid for 5 years.
Annual Audits
At least once a year the UCSL will carry surveillance audits of the Client to monitor the fulfillment by the Client of the action plan on the implementation of conditions raised in the report. Main attributes of such audits include monitoring continued compliance by the Client with the MSC fisheries standard, verification of achievement by the Client of the set target outcomes. At least 4 surveillance audits shall be conducted during the 5-year certificate's validity period.
The enterprise performing such types of activities as trading, wholesale, storage, processing, etc. makes the decision on certification, fills in the application template and send it to UCSL United Certification Systems Limited.
The application contains main parameters of the business (the scope of certification), which will determine the duration and cost of the audit. Based on the application information about the Client, the Contractor determines the prospects of the successful evaluation process.
After application review, UCSL provides the Client with a commercial offer with the cost and a procedure of certification. Once the offer is accepted and terms and conditions agreed, the Client and UCSL United Certification Systems Limited conclude a contract for certification.
The contract is not bounded by the certification period.
Initial Audit
UCSL jointly with the Client plans the initial audit.

The main issues to be checked at the initial audit are:
- identification of the manufactured products;
- products segregation (certified and non-certified);
- verified suppliers of MSC;
- tracing system testing;
- documentation system (incl. bookkeeping);
- training and information about the personnel

Based on the audit findings, UCSL provides a report to the Client; this report stipulates all non-conformities with the applicable MSC standards' requirements.
Document review
Working with the report, its verification and approval. The Client provides documented evidence of closing or downgraded of non-conformities, the auditor evaluates the sufficiency of the actions taken by the client and the effectiveness of the corrective action plan to eliminate the non-conformities etc.
Certificate granting
Once the Client eliminates major non-conformities and they are closed in the report, the report is forwarded to the Certification Committee of the Contractor. The Certification Committee decides whether an MSC chain of custody certificate can be issued. In case of a positive decision of the Certification Committee the CoC certificate will be issued for 3 years.
Annual Audits
UCSL determines the frequency of audits individually with each client, depending on the type of activity of the company, it is 12 or 18 months. The purpose of such audits is to confirm the client's compliance with the MSC Standard and compliance with the Chain of Custody requirements, as well as to monitor the forehanded elimination of non-conformities