Derogation 8: Chain of Custody Labour Eligibility Requirements

25 November 2022
MSC program document(s) and clause reference(s):
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Default V5.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Group V2.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Consumer-Facing Organisation v2.0 Clause 5.8
- MSC Chain of Custody Certification Requirements v3.1: Clauses 7.1.8; 8.2.2k; 8.2.14; 8.2.15; 8.3.1 l; 8.3.15; 8.3.16; 9.2.1 b; 9.2.8 c
- MSC Third-Party Labour Audit Requirements
- MSC CoC Certificate Holder Statement of Understanding of Labour Requirements
- Derogation 7: Chain of Custody Labour Audit Risk Revision
Effective date: [1 May 2023 2022]
Expiration date: This derogation will expire on the effective date of the next version of the affected program documents
Issuing authority and date: Dr Rohan Currey, Chief Science and Standards Officer, [ 26 October 2023]
To: MSC Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies
Cc: Assurance Services International and Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Communication: The derogation shall be communicated as indicated under clause 7.3.2 of the MSC General Certification Requirements.

1 Objective of the derogation

1.1 This derogation introduces the MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements scheme document, which consolidates all labour policies into a single scheme document.

1.2 Labour requirements within the Chain of Custody program are now an eligibility requirement and shall not be implemented as standard requirements as contained in:
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Default V5.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Group V2.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Consumer-Facing Organisation v2.0 Clause 5.8
- Derogation 7: Chain of Custody Labour Audit Risk Revision

1.3 MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v1 shall now apply to applicants, certificate holders and CABs in lieu of the requirements contained in the following clauses:
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Default V5.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Group V2.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Consumer-Facing Organisation v2.0 Clause 5.8
- MSC Chain of Custody Certification Requirements v3.1: Clauses 7.1.8; 8.2.2 k; 8.2.14; 8.2.15; 8.3.1 l; 8.3.15; 8.3.16; 9.2.1 b; 9.2.8 c
- Derogation 7: Chain of Custody Labour Audit Risk Revision

2 Derogation requirements – certificate holders

2.1 Applicants and certificate holders shall meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v1 in lieu of the following clauses:
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Default V5.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Group V2.0: Clause 5.7
- MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Consumer-Facing Organisation v2.0 Clause 5.8
- Derogation 7: Chain of Custody Labour Audit Risk Revision

3 Derogation requirements – CABs

3.1 CABs shall determine eligibility of CoC applicant and certificate holders with respect to MSC's labour policy, prior to, and during all certifications using the relevant sections within the MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v1.

3.2 CABs shall implement the relevant clauses within MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements as a subset of CoC CR 6.2 to confirm eligibility prior to audits and during the certification period in lieu of the following clauses within the Chain of Custody certification requirements.
- MSC Chain of Custody Certification Requirements v3.1: Clauses 7.1.8; 8.2.2 k; 8.2.14; 8.2.15; 8.3.1 l; 8.3.15; 8.3.16; 9.2.1 b; 9.2.8 c

3.3 CABs contracts shall specify that to be eligible to be audited and certified to the MSC's CoC Standard the client must meet the requirements prescribed in MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v1.